How Church Can Help Your Marriage

One study several years ago found that people who report they are Christians are just as likely to divorce as those who didn’t. Headlines online and in print read that you are just as likely to divorce if you are a Christian than if you are not. 

Church is great for your marriage!

Let us consider how to inspire each other to greater love and to righteous deeds, not forgetting to gather as a community, as some have forgotten, but encouraging each other, especially as the day of His return approaches. Hebrews 10:24-25 (Voice)

However, a deeper look into the matter by several other studies found that those couples who regularly attend church together are 46% less likely to get divorced compared to only 10% less likely if they occasionally go to church together.

Further, studies have found that couples not going to church at all are twice as likely to get divorced as those who attend church regularly together. So practicing Christianity, as evidenced by attending church services regularly, is much more powerful in keeping your marriage together than just believing Jesus is your Savior.

Why church is great for your marriage!

Besides the obvious reasons why church is great for your marriage, like if you obey God and do marriage His way, He’ll bless you, here are some other reasons why church is great for your marriage.

  1. Prayer.  Couples who pray together, stay together. One study found that less than 1% of couples who pray regularly together ever divorce.
  2. Pro-marriage community. Churches are full of people who have similar values of doing life together forever. Couples support each other through the common ups and downs of the relationship.
  3. Relationship education. Churches have regular lessons, sermons and classes focused on becoming better people and having better relationships. Some have specific marriage education seminars or retreats.
  4. Deeper conversations. Spouses spend time between church services visiting with each other about the topics presented during the services. The conversations have a better chance of being deeper and about more meaningful things in life.
  5. Time connecting. Church provides a regular activity that each spouse can count on for spending some time together. The experience of getting to, being in, and the immediate aftermath of church creates opportunities for connection.
  6. Volunteering.  Every church needs more volunteers. When a couple raises their hands to serve together, they are creating memories in doing for others through the many volunteer opportunities.
  7. Generosity.  Church provides an opportunity for couples to prioritize their finances in a way that values the act of generosity. Giving together helps each spouse experience the altruistic feelings while maintaining unity about what is most important in their lives.

What if we don’t go to church?

If you are both not attending services in a Bible believing church, search the area near your home, find out when the church meets and join them at a service. Invite your spouse every time you go. You will know in a few visits if it seems like the right fit for you and your spouse.   If you need some help, contact us and we’ll be glad to give you some referrals in your area.

If you know where you need to be going, but just are not going, set your alarm and start going. Always invite your spouse and make it easy for them to attend. Let them know how important it is for you for the two of you to go to church together regularly.

If you go to church, but your spouse doesn’t, continue to be the light to your spouse.  Use every moment to live your life as a testimony to your spouse’s heart of God’s great love.  Your faithfulness over time, not shaming discussions, have the best chance of winning them over.