Grace In The Moment

Deanna called describing deep sadness and depression. “Peter treats everyone better than he treats me. “ Over thirteen years ago she was drawn to Peter’s incredible graceful spirit toward everyone that he came in contact with. “Peter has a huge heart and is very caring, except when it comes to me.”

Peter and Deanna came in for a Marriage Intensive. During the course of the day we discovered that Peter’s good nature and high empathy with others was a great quality that had began to get in the way of the marriage he really wanted with his wife.

Grace on Empty

The Two Most Important Marriage Questions to Ask Yourself Every Day

We rehearse our last interactions with our spouse. Whatever we experienced in our relationship plays like a song stuck in our heads all day long. Our interactions, however brief, impact what we think about our spouse throughout the day.

The Pattern of Negative Interaction Cycle

When you think negatively about your spouse most of the day, how do you think you will interact with them when you get home? Of course you will interact in a negative way. The negative thoughts drive a negative interaction.

Your negativity begets negativity which results in you rehearsing more negative thoughts when you are away from them. And the cycle continues until you are absolutely convinced that you married the wrong person, your spouse must change for you to be happy, and you have no like, or love, toward them at all.

What you focus on creates the marriage relationship. Your continual focus on the most negative aspects of your relationship causes you to interact in such a way that you create more negative experiences.

You created the marriage relationship you are in. If you do not like it, you need to change what you are doing. You need to try something different. You need to take a step back from blaming your spouse and take unilateral action to begin to create the marriage you really want.

Lose The YOU’s and Use The I’s

We have learned a great many things in our experiences with couples who have come to our Life Together Forever Couples Retreats and Workshops and who have been through one of our Marriage Intensives.

While teaching how to communicate to your spouse in a way they will receive it, one of the wives raised her hand and said, “I need to lose the YOUs and Use the I’s”. We told her that it would be in one of our next several blogs because it is so good.

My Spouse Never Hears Me

If you are like most spouses, you have a season at some time in your marriage where you feel like your spouse just does not hear what you are saying. Because they have shown no evidence that they understand what you want them to do or stop doing, you have likely begun to do things that actually cause more harm in your relationship.

When your spouse does not hear you, you may be one who talks louder and louder until you are screaming. Or maybe you throw a fit. Or maybe you just say the same thing over and over believing that repetition will make him understand it. Perhaps you withdraw and move away. Or you stop communicating anything at all.

Nothing I Can Do Until My Spouse Listens

‘Warn them before God to stop their useless bickering over words. After all, splitting hairs does no good; it only ruins those forced to listen to their meritless arguments.’ 2 Timothy 2:14b

The Power Of Appreciation In Your Marriage

Linda and Dan had over two decades of marriage under their belt. With one child in high school and the other in middle school, this should have been some of the best years of their marriage and life.   When they called us, Linda was considering separating because she could not “stay in a passionless marriage one more day.” We met them in a full day Marriage Intensive solely focused on improving their relationship. Dan seemed clueless that there was any problem.

Speak Your Spouse’s Love Language

During the first month of our marriage in 1988, Devra wanted to show how much she loved Roy. She prepared a wonderful bubble bath, with candles, a cold drink and dimmed lighting. When she showed it to Roy, he thought that she was going to jump in with him. But instead she left the room and did not return.

Discover how to love your spouse in a way they will be able to receive it!

Making Your Wedding Anniversary Special

We recently celebrated our twenty-eighth wedding anniversary! It’s hard to believe that we met and started dating thirty-four years ago. We have done a lot of life together!

Unlike most of our blogs, this one is a glimpse into our personal life and the celebration of our twenty-eighty wedding anniversary. We hope by sharing you will be inspired to create your own unique and fun wedding anniversary.

Each Wedding Anniversary Is Unique

Each wedding anniversary is different. Some years we were very connected and things were strong between us. Other years we were so busy with careers and raising kids that we were not very deeply connected. Some wedding anniversaries fell on dates when one or both of us were between jobs. Other wedding anniversaries happened amidst medical issues for ourselves or one of our family members. Sometimes our wedding anniversary fell around the time we were grieving the passing of a loved one.

Marriage Quotes That Inspire Us

Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love. Billy Graham

A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers. Ruth Pell Graham

When I have learnt to love God better than my earthly dearest, I shall love my earthly dearest better than I do now. C.S. Lewis

As God by creation made two of one, so again by marriage He made one of two. Thomas Adams

A long-lasting marriage is built by two people who believe in -and live by- the solemn promise they made. Darlene Schacht

Happily ever after is not a fairy tale. It’s a choice. Fawn Weaver

Common Law Marriage Mess

You feel that loving feeling. One of you makes the offer for the other to move in. You feel like it is taking your relationship forward, to a new level. You make the move without the permanence of the marriage commitment.

Two years later, you find out you are going to be a parent. You move into a larger home in a new neighborhood. You still are not married, but you tell all your neighbors you live with your spouse. One assumes the others last name socially.

Life gets hard and so does the relationship. The relationship ends. Your total way of living is changed. You are looking for a new home, trying to recover the financial gaps of not sharing expenses and working through visitation.

You go to court to get things settled in writing and the judge dismisses the case because you are not legally married and there is not enough evidence that you are in a common law marriage.

You are on your own to figure it all out.

Problems With Common Law Marriages

Marriage Boot Camp: Investing In Your Marriage

Before you get a drivers license, states make you complete a drivers education class. The class is the driving basics. Its intention is to set drivers up for success. Basic skills necessary for driving are taught. Most states also require a driver to have experience driving under the mentorship of a driving instructor.

But there are no such requirements for a marriage license. Once the decision to spend the rest of your life with that one special person is made, all relationship focused activities tend to take a back seat to the details of the wedding and living logistics.

Benefits Of Marriage Boot Camp