Date: | February 19, 2016—February 21, 2016 |
Event: | Couples Doe and Hog Hunt |
Topic: | Couples Doe/Hog Hunt |
Sponsor: |
Greater Houston Christian Outdoor Fellowship 281-788-8435 |
Venue: |
Clear Creek Ranch Main Lodge 210-827-9802 |
Location: | 700 Springs Ranch Telegraph, Texas 76883 United States |
Public: | Public |
Registration: | Click here to register. |
More Info: | Click here for more information. |
7 Reasons Church is Great For Your Marriage
One study several years ago found that people who report they are Christians are just as likely to divorce as those who didn’t. Headlines online and in print read that you are just as likely to divorce if you are a Christian than if you are not.

Church is great for your marriage!
However, a deeper look into the matter by several other studies found that those couples who regularly attend church together are 46% less likely to get divorced compared to only 10% less likely if they occasionally go to church together.
Further, studies have found that couples not going to church at all are twice as likely to get divorced as those who attend church regularly together. So practicing Christianity, as evidenced by attending church services regularly, is much more powerful in keeping your marriage together than just believing Jesus is your Savior.
Why church is great for your marriage!
Wishing You And Yours A Happy Thanksgiving!
Making This Year’s Holidays Better For The Two of Us!
Holidays are a stressful time for couples and families. Negative patterns of interaction grow exponentially as almost all communication becomes focused on the tasks of the holiday. Frequently feelings are hurt in the mix and there are long periods of negative emotions and energy.

Turn your relationships around during the holidays by implementing these tips for making memories!
Why You Don’t Tell Your Spouse What You Need To Say
An excerpt from the book: The Secret To Lifetime Love
We Don’t Say What We Really Need to Say

We do not enter this world with a filter about what to say or not to say. Spend time with a two year old and you will know exactly what she is thinking, usually as soon as she thinks it. If she is hungry, she will let you know in a demanding fashion. If there is perception that someone else is getting attention or taking something that she deems as her possession, she will show anger or sadness without reservation. And if there is someone in the environment she perceives as a potential threat, fear will drive all her behaviors to move away from and protect herself.
Somewhere along the way we develop a filtering mechanism… our attempt to hide what it is we are really thinking and feeling. It happens when a parent, teacher, coach, older sibling, minister, or other important person in our life tells us…
- “Don’t say mean things.”
- “Don’t cry… only sissy’s cry.”
- “Don’t say things that hurt other people’s feelings.”
- “Don’t tell someone something like that. It isn’t good manners.”
- “Don’t let him see you are afraid of him. “
Top 10 Reasons Spouses Withhold Sex And What You Can Do About It
Jillian and Randall called for a Marriage Intensive. He explained that early in their marriage he began to believe that he was unattractive, repulsive and unwanted as Jillian bristled at his requests for sexual activity. Jillian could not understand why her husband never approached her for sex anymore and suspected that he had another lover or a porn addiction.

Jillian and Randall are like so many other couples who are experiencing the pain of a sexless marriage. Over the course of a very hard day of work in the Marriage Intensive, they both found some healing personally and then in their relationship, and built a new future together.
The Fundamental Problem With My Marriage Is …
The fundamental problem with my marriage is ME. My selfishness. My me-first attitude. ME!

Then the Lord God Said: “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Genesis 2:18 (NIV)
God designed marriage to address the problem. He built the institution of marriage for the purpose of meeting the need within our souls for a lifelong marriage. He intended for life to us to be together forever.
Three Myths of Marriage
Happy Veterans Day
Sacrifices at Home Continue for Most Post-9/11 Veteran
We are so thankful for those who’ve served our country, and freedom loving people all over the world, in freedom’s cause. While military personnel are away from home, spouses and children sacrifice in their absence. We are thankful this Veteran’s Day for the services of Military Personnel and Veterans and the sacrifices that their spouses and families have made. We also pause in remembrance of those who lost a loved one or those who were injured in their service. Thank you!

Sacrifices Continue for Post-911 Veterans
Untying the Knot
What causes divorce?
We are pro marriage. We are focused on building a relationship that creates a lifetime love. We help couples do life together forever.

Working with couples on the brink of divorce in our Marriage Intensives, we have compiled a list of things that lead to divorce. The more items on the list you do, the greater the likelihood that you are destroying your marriage.
How to End Your Marriage