Money Money Money Part 1 of 2

We were recently asked to put together a couples weekend with an emphasis on financial matters in marriage. One of the lies that is told about divorce is that one of the top causes of divorce is financial issues. It is our experience that problems in the marriage cause the financial matters, instead of financial matters causing the marital challenges.

In this two part series we want to share some basic facts about money matters in the marriage relationship. We are not accountants or financial professionals and recommend that you seek professionals in that arena for specific questions about your financial matters. However, based upon our experience in working with couples and our personal experiences, here are some basic marriage money matters for you to consider.

“Wealth is more often the result of a lifestyle of hard work, perseverance, planning, and, most of all, self-discipline.” Thomas J. Stanley, The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy

Why Dads Matter

Father absence is at epidemic status in the United States today. Yet, science has been unable to produce a single child without one. In fact, 100% of children have a father. Some are deceased, incarcerated, pushed away or errantly absent, but everyone has a father… it’s the only way children are made.

For decades, research focused on why mothers are central to children. It is a no-brainer that moms play a critical role in parenting and child development. Sometimes single moms tell us that they are “the mother and the father.” They may be doing double duty, but mom cannot replace dad. In the past few decades research has revealed that “father need” is as central to children as “mother need.”

Three Indicators of the Health Of Your Marriage

Marriage is like a roller coaster. It has many ups and downs. As every spouse is different so is every marriage is unique. However, research has shown that there are three key indicators to marriage health.

When we meet with couples in a Marriage Intensive, we usually measure each of these areas at the beginning of the day. We ask each spouse to measure where they are at that specific moment. It is amazing to see God’s work as couples are real with each other and us about their marriage wounds and issues. The numbers always change for the better.

All three go up and down throughout the marriage relationship. The health of the relationship is on shaky ground if all three are low and especially if they are all three low in both spouses. Where are you in your marital health. Rate on a scale of 1 to 10 each of the indicators in the following way.

Parenting Together On Purpose

We remember the pediatric nurse who gave us the following advice as we left the hospital with Blake, our first. She said, “Children grow in phases. The first phase is always the hardest. You will question and doubt yourself and spend all your money, time and energy trying to do what you think is best for them. You will give up the things you enjoy in order to give him your very best. You will have many sleepless nights.” We asked, “How long is the first phase?” and she replied, “Birth to eighteen years. Then it will still be challenging but less difficult.”

Change Industry’s Biggest Secret

How to change your marriage for good.

It is transformational change industry’s best secret: What we measure, changes. When we measure it, it becomes bigger, louder, faster, and stronger. If our goal is to eliminate it, it becomes smaller, lighter, fewer and rare.

Teach us to number our days so that we may truly live and achieve wisdom. Psalm 90:12 (VOICE)

Every weight loss program on the market has this secret in common. They measure what they want to change. They ask you to document everything you eat and drink. They tell you to log in all of your exercises.

Ten Reasons You Should Stop Asking “Why?”

It happens too often. One spouse is frustrated by the actions, or lack of action, of their spouse and wants to understand why. The other spouse feels like they can never do anything right, including answering the inquiries about the motive of their behavior.

Why did you do that?

Why didn’t you do this?

The motive for asking why seems good. The inquisitor wants to understand what their spouse is thinking. “If I could only understand their motivation and thinking behind what they did or didn’t do.”

Seven Problem Itches In Every Marriage

It’s common to confuse an itch with a scratch. But there is a huge difference between an itch and a scratch.

An itch is a sensation that causes a desire to scratch. It is not action, but rather merely there. It is the desire to do or get something.

A scratch, on the other hand, is action in response to an itch. The focus of the action of scratching is to eliminate the itch.

A person without self-control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out. Prov. 25:28 (MSG)

Is Your Marriage Programmed to Fail?

We love our favorite television shows. We know the words to a half a dozen television theme songs, including The Brady Bunch, Gilligan’s Island, Big Bang Theory and Mike and Molly. We have gone through periods of watching too much TV!

According to the A.C. Nielsen Co., “the average American watches more than four hours of TV a day”. That is an average of twenty-eight hours per week. In a 65-year life span, the average American will have spent nine years glued to the tube.

Make the most of every living and breathing moment because these are evil times. So understand and be confident in God’s will, and don’t live thoughtlessly. Eph. 5:16,17 VOICE

Five Secrets Every Happy Wife’s Husband Knows

The old story goes something like this. The father says to his son on the morning of his wedding day, “Would you like to fully understand how a woman thinks and work?” “I’d love to know,” the son replied. To which the father said, “Yea, me too!”

Women are a mystery to men. But there are some things that happy wives frequently tell us makes them feel very loved. Husbands need to pay attention as doing these things consistently in the relationship will lead to a happy wife.

Husbands, you must love your wives so deeply, purely, and sacrificially that we can understand it only when we compare it to the love the Anointed One has for His bride, the church. We know He gave Himself up completely to make her His own, washing her clean of all her impurity with water and the powerful presence of His word. He has given Himself so that He can present the church as His radiant bride, unstained, unwrinkled, and unblemished—completely free from all impurity—holy and innocent before Him. So husbands should care for their wives as if their lives depended on it, the same way they care for their own bodies. As you love her, you ultimately are loving part of yourself (remember, you are one flesh). Eph 5:25-28 VOICE