Every couple has struggles.

Every couple!
Every spouse feels, at one time or another, like quitting.
Every spouse!
Relationships are hard. Doing life together forever is one of the greatest challenges in life.
Looking For Help In All The Wrong Places
When a spouse is struggling in their relationship, they will seek help. They usually begin by searching on the internet for relationship articles addressing their issue. They also search through magazines and books for some source of information that may be helpful.
Christians want to know what the Bible says about their issue. In addition to seeing what is online, they may speak with a Christian mentor or friend. They may also ask a teacher or leader at their church.
Additionally spouses will ask people in their life that they trust or deem as safe. They question a parent, friend, colleague, service personnel (cosmetologist, etc).
Many times the advice that they get is all wrong for what is going on in their lives. A spouse who acts on the advice found in non-scientific, non-Christian sources found online, or the advice of friends, relatives and strangers may actually cause more harm to their relationship than if they did nothing at all.
Non Professional Advice Is Costly
Would you be comfortable trusting accounting advice given by a stranger if you knew you were being audited? How comfortable would you be asking a neighbor or a friend to do your home electrical or plumbing work? Would you be comfortable driving a car that your best friend or parent changed out the transmission on? Would you let a friend with some experience going to a doctor treat your medical condition?
Of course not!
Then why would you accept and act on advice given by such sources for the most important thing in your life: your marriage?
We cringe when we read some of the many relationship blogs out there. Some have experienced horrible relationships and has now made themselves a “relationship expert” dolling out advice via a blog on dating, marriage, cheating, sex, etc. It breaks our hearts that someone might find some very dangerous advice and act on that advice.
Look For Relationship Experts
If you are having relationship problems, find a relationship expert. Look for someone who has a proven record in helping spouses create the marriage they really want. Find people who are able to take scientific relationship research and test it against their experience with working with hundreds of couples. Search for someone that has a strong Christian faith and will not advise you to do things that are not in line with what God has spoken in the Bible.
Credentials are important, but just because someone has credentials does not mean they are the right source. Read this article about why marriage counseling does not work before choosing a marriage counselor.
Our Recommendations For Relationship Counseling
Always seek a Pastor or minister, or a Christian Marriage Counselor or Christian Marriage Coach who has a proven record of helping couples have a healthy marriage. If we can help, you can always contact us.
What do you have to say?
We love to hear from readers. Where do you go for relationship advice? Are you guilty of getting your relationship advice from friends, service personnel, parents and unprofessional articles? Did you seek relationship counseling and how did it go for you? What do you think about our recommendations? Do you know someone you need to forward this article to?
This article was written by Roy and Devra Wooten, authors of “The Secret to a Lifetime Love”. Learn more at www.LifeTogetherForever.com © Roy and Devra Wooten 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may replicate this article as long as it is provided free to recipients and includes appropriate attribution. Written permission for other use may be obtained at [email protected].