What To Do When Your Spouse Makes You Feel Mad

“You always make me feel so mad.”

“It’s your fault because you cause me to be so crazy.”

“I wouldn’t treat you like that if you would just stop making me feel so frustrated.”

Dana and Mike had struggled for the last several years through a cycle of love and forgiveness, building tension, and explosive hurtful words and actions. And they are not alone. We have worked with many couples, like Dana and Mike, who live this crazy cycle of interacting.

You Make Me Feel This Way

Different versions of the same problem seem to focus on the idea that, somehow, it is our spouse’s fault that we are feeling the emotions that we are feeling. It is our spouse’s actions, or lack of action, that has caused me to feel these intense emotions. If we did not have this spouse, or if we did not experience our spouse’s actions (or lack of action) that way, then we would not feel the negative, intense emotions we are experiencing.

It makes for a perfect excuse to feel the way we do. When we blame our spouse for what we think about ourselves or how we feel, we have a great advantage of not having to accept responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, assumptions and actions. In our minds, we can experience a sort of “free pass” to blow up, act out, have a fit, etc.

Unless you are in a dangerous relationship, you need to double check your strategy of blaming how you feel all on your spouse.

‘When you are angry, don’t let it carry you into sin.[a] Don’t let the sun set with anger in your heart or give the devil room to work.’ Eph 4:26,27

What Causes Me To Feel So Bad?

Be a Blessing

Ancient Words From Peter For Your Marriage Today!

In 1 Peter 3:1-14, here are the ancient words of wisdom for husbands and wives of today, as interpreted in The Message.

“The same goes for you wives: Be good wives to your husbands, responsive to their needs. There are husbands who, indifferent as they are to any words about God, will be captivated by your life of holy beauty. What matters is not your outer appearance—the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes—but your inner disposition.

Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in. The holy women of old were beautiful before God that way, and were good, loyal wives to their husbands. Sarah, for instance, taking care of Abraham, would address him as “my dear husband.” You’ll be true daughters of Sarah if you do the same, unanxious and unintimidated.

The same goes for you husbands: Be good husbands to your wives. Honor them, delight in them. As women they lack some of your advantages. But in the new life of God’s grace, you’re equals. Treat your wives, then, as equals so your prayers don’t run aground.

Summing up: Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate, be humble. That goes for all of you, no exceptions. No retaliation. No sharp-tongued sarcasm. Instead, bless—that’s your job, to bless. You’ll be a blessing and also get a blessing.”

Are You Arguing More Than Most Couples?

There are no perfect marriages.

There are no perfect marriages because there are no perfect people. The last perfect person was crucified and people have been talking about Him for about 2,000 years.

There are no perfect marriages!

The Top Five Reasons Family Traditions and Rituals Are Vital To Your Marriage

Family traditions and rituals are sometimes thought to be boring at one time or another, but most people have fond memories of a family tradition or ritual from their childhood. Perhaps it was how a holiday was celebrated, or perhaps what you did as a family every meal-time. Whatever it was, it puts a smile on your face today.

According to studies, marriages where family rituals and traditions are positive, build resilience, are happier, and have fewer conflicts. In other words, family rituals and traditions make marriages better.

‘Write these commandments that I’ve given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates.’ Deut 6:6 (MSG)

Why are family rituals and traditions so vital?

Making Technology Work For Your Marriage

We have heard the negative horrors of modern technology as each new cultural shift has taken place. We remember the days when “Pong” was the first video game and Atari was the only gaming system you could buy. All phones had cords and almost every family shared the same phone number. Wow, how times have changed!

We tend to believe that technology is not the negative thing. It is just the tool that can be used for good and evil. We hear from couples how much more they want their spouse to turn off their device and give them full body attention. And we hear from couples in a mess where technology has been used in infidelity and every sound of a new message is a pain trigger for the offended spouse.

‘What has been, that will be; what has been done, that will be done. Nothing is new under the sun; the future only repeats the past.’ Ecclesiastes 1:9

Roy & Devra Wooten

Roy & Devra Wooten

Life Together Forever El Paso!

Saturday, September 12th 9AM – 12PM
Sunday, September 13th  10:30- 12PM

The Journey Church


  • This is a 2-day conference FREE for pre-registered couples.
  • Includes live workshop and workbooks.
  • Memory making activities.
  • Great for engaged, newly weds, old timers, transition couples, and new parents.


Experience Biblical Truths that Transform Relationships!

Want to …

  • take your marriage to the next level?
  • experience relational healing and restoration?
  • strengthen communication and connection?

Roy and Devra Wooten are veteran marriage champions, whose lives attest to the transforming power of Truth.  Through their years of working with countless couples in over one hundred couples weekends, they have molded their message into an engaging and mixed format of teaching and experiential activities to quickly equip and empower couples toward greater spiritual and relational intimacy.

Couples will learn, experience and practice the application of powerful Biblical Truth as Roy and Devra share their real and humorous relationship stories.  With other couples, enjoy discovering the way forward in common challenges of relationships with exciting sessions including:

  • Doing Life Together Forever
  • Creating a Lifelong Marriage
  • Speaking and Hearing Truth
  • Forgiveness and Reconciliation
  • Stress-Less Living
  • Healthy Expectations
  • Courageous Conversations
  • Sex, Love and Romance
  • Relationships God’s Way

Couples will enjoy the mix of teaching and experiential activities that moves them toward each other and refreshes their relationship.


“I was surprised about how funny Roy and Devra are together.  Their ministry blessed our couples Date Night event.  Many couples who I have been counseling told me afterward how blessed they were by it… We need to have… this every year.” – Senior Pastor

“I highly recommend Roy and Devra for your next couples retreat.  Together they gave our couples more than we had hoped for.  Roy and Devra Rock!”  – Family Minister

“I think the thing that helped the most was how the two of you were so honest about your own relationship.  Between your hilarious stories, you shared meaningful and helpful things that reminded me about what I could do better in my marriage of 33 years.  Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.” – Minister

“Thank you for giving us hope.  We came here in separate cars because this has been a very hard week for us.  I didn’t want to come but I came anyway.  When we had to sit face to face and talk during the exercises, I began to see some change.  I know we have work ahead but I feel hope for the first time in seven years.”  – Wife of 12 years

“Roy tells it like it is supposed to be and Devra says it like it really is.  They are so hilarious but they really make you think.  I cannot recommend them any higher.” – Engaged Groom

How Do I Register?

Reserve your spot before they are all gone (limited to first 50 couples) by calling or texting

(915) 244-7077

Ask about area hotel accommodations.

Engaged couples who complete all sessions are eligible for a free
Texas Marriage License.

Date: September 12, 2015—September 13, 2015
Event: Life Together Forever El Paso
Topic: Life Together Forever
Sponsor: The Journey Church
(915) 244-7077
Venue: The Journey Church
(915) 244-7077
Location: 14660 D Montana Ave
El Paso, Tx 79938
Public: Public

Stop Arguing About Chores and Create The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted

We do not know anyone who loves to do chores. But they have to get done. And with most couples who come to us for help, chores seems to be part of the discussion. One feels like the other hardly ever helps, or does not keep their end of the delegated chores or spends too much time doing them instead of connecting with their spouse. Sometimes the issue is that the one doing the chores is being regularly criticized instead of appreciated for doing them.

“For each will have to bear his own load” Galations 6:5 ESV

Free Relationship Tips

Do you follow us on social media? Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Google+ and regularly receive free relationship tips.

We are giving away a signed copy of “The Secret to Lifetime Love” to one lucky person a month during the month of April. You will receive an entry into the weekly drawing every time you like, join or follow one of our social media pages. Or if you are already following us, if you invite your friends or followers to also join us. Watch for the winners to be listed in social media as well.


How Unspoken Expectations Are Keeping You From The Marriage You Want

It is amazing to us how many times husbands and wives are sitting in our offices and learn for the first time something about their spouse. Some have been married years and never knew that when she does this, he feels that… or that it always makes her feel the same negative way when he does that.

It makes sense to us that blown expectations is a huge part of the negative pattern of interactions that couples in struggle find themselves experiencing. One of the biggest “aha”s for us in our work with couples over the years is the huge number of times that the offended spouse has never communicated the expectation to the offending spouse. That is, when one spouse expects the other to do something that has never been communicated and is emotionally frustrated, hurt or sad when it does not happen.

Unspoken expectations are unhealthy expectations.

Life Together Forever at Christbridge April 11th

Arguing about money, parenting, in-laws, chores, sex, friends?

Invest a day for the marriage of a lifetime!

April 11th, 2015      8:30AM – 5:30PM

ChristBridge Fellowship

(NE corner of 249 and 2920 in Tomball)

Reconnect        Rekindle        Recommit

Roy and Devra Wooten are veteran marriage champions whose lives attest to the transforming power of Truth. Through their years of leading over 140 couples weekends they have molded their message into an engaging mixed format of teaching and experiential activities to quickly equip and empower couples toward greater relational intimacy. Learn, experience and practice the application of powerful truth about relationships with other similarly motivated couples!

Meaningful Interactive Fun





Must Pre Register

$20 Registration Fee is Required