100 Conversation Starters For Your Next Date

Have you ever gone on a date that ended up being a meeting about the kids, money problems, in-laws, work, chores, etc.?

Next time you go on a date, pull up this article on your smart phone and take the conversation in a totally different direction. Take turns answering the questions first. There are no wrong answers. Make it a night of discovery!

‘Most of all, love each other steadily and unselfishly, because love makes up for many faults.’ I Peter 4:8

Rediscover your spouse and all the reasons you truly love them. Enjoy humor and discussion about things that have no emotional negativity. Take your date night to a whole other level!

Conversation Starters (adapted from Love Talk Starters by Les and Leslie Parrott)

Do You Have a Hard Time Keeping Your Commitments?

Broken promises cause a lot of pain in our lives.

“He promised to take out the kitchen trash every day.”

“She said she was done with stopping for a drink with coworkers on the way home.”

“He told me he would take care of paying that bill.”

“I promised myself I would exercise daily, but I’ve done it but once in the last three weeks.”

“This is what God commands: When a man makes a vow to God or binds himself by an oath to do something, he must not break his word; he must do exactly what he has said.’ Numbers 30:1b,2

Not Keeping Promises Hurts

Are You Taking Care Of Yourself?

We remember being brought up singing a song at Vacation Bible Schools and Christian camps that had a chorus, “J.O.Y. – Jesus first. Others second. Yourself last.” That last part is a mantra that social pressures also give young men and women. In order to succeed, you must meet all the expectations of others in your life.

When Did Self Care Become Narcissistic?

Somewhere along the way, we began to believe that anything other than meeting the expectations of others meant that we were selfish, self-absorbed, or narcissistic. We do our very best, at the expense of our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health, to perform up to expectations at school, home, work, and in our social group.

Over time, we ended up trying harder, occasionally failing, trying even harder, and occasionally failing and trying even harder. Women focus on being perfect in their jobs, marriages, parenting, churches, and social group. Men focus on meeting the expectations of leader, husband, father and masculinity.

You Can’t Take Care Of Others If You Don’t Take Care of Yourself

Jesus said, “The first in importance is, ‘Listen, Israel: The Lord your God is one; so love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy.’ And here is the second: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ There is no other commandment that ranks with these.” Mark 12:30-31 (Message)

The Truth About Porn

In 2006, Vladimir Villosov designed his own coffin with enough room to fit his huge collection of pornography. At 65 years old, he was quoted as saying, “The girls in those magazines have been my companions for years and I want them to accompany me to the next life.”

Long before the internet, pornography was a problem. And with the internet, a person today can see more pornographic images in a few minutes than their grandfather could see in a lifetime.

Are You Addicted to Porn?

According to Dr. Leslie Parrott in “Crazy Good Sex: Putting To Bed The Myths Men Have About Sex”, if you have at least five of the following issues, you are clinically addicted to pornography.

April Fools

This April fools day had us thinking about the many scriptures that address the fool.  Proverbs 26 is a whole chapter dedicated to describing the fool.  We encourage you to look at this scripture with us and think about its message to you in your relationship to your spouse.  May your April Fools Day make your marriage stronger and healthier!

Proverbs 26 (VOICE)

Like snow in the summer and rain in the time of harvest,
    so honor is never fitting for a fool.
Like a bird that flits and flutters or a swallow in mid-flight,
    so a curse that lacks cause will never come to light.

A whip is for the horse, a bridle is for the donkey,

    and a rod is for the fool’s back.

5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 When Your Spouse Pushes Your Buttons

Liam called for help. He described the problem.

“When she doesn’t respect me, I lose it. I don’t realize it in the moment, but I begin to yell. I say hurtful and mean things to her. I don’t know what to do when I blow up like that.”

Liam described that what he would rather do was to be able to handle her disrespect in a better way. He was at a loss about how to be the spouse he wanted to be when his wife pushed his buttons.

“A hot head provokes quarrels, and one mastered by anger commits all kinds of sins.” Proverbs 29:22 (VOICE)

What Pushes Buttons

How You Are Unintentionally Becoming An “Expert” in All The Wrong Things?

According to author Malcolm Gladwell (Outliers: The Story of Success), whatever you practice for 10,000 hours will cause you to become an expert in it.

Most of us who are older understand this. When we first began our careers, we learned how to do a task. Over the years, as we performed the task over and over, we became one of the best.

In the break room, we sometimes hear someone say, “I could never do what you do.” We can do it quicker and better than anyone at our company. We get so good at it, we can do it when we are tired or sleepy. It is as if it happens naturally, by default. We know it is not true, because we have spent thousands and thousands of hours doing it.

How To Become An Expert

“The emerging picture from studies is that ten thousand hours of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world-class expert- in anything,” writes the neurologist Daniel Levetin.

The more we do something, the better we get at it. Take your hobby, for example. The more you do it, the better you become. If you enjoy golf, tennis, scrapbooking, pinteresting, photography, or anything else, the more of it you do, the better you become. And the theory says that if you do it long enough, you will get to expert status.

Becoming An Expert In Our Relationship

The Nasty Truth About Marriage Counseling

We have worked with a large number of married couples on the brink of divorce in our Marriage Intensives who have told us that they tried traditional marriage counseling and it has not worked. Too many couples who make the decision to divorce have had the same experience.

Studies reveal that traditional marriage counseling has some challenging results.

  • Less than 20% of couples made meaningful gains that lasted more than a year.
  • About 25% of couples report that their marriage is worse two years following traditional marriage counseling.
  • More than a third of people who try traditional marriage counseling divorce within the next four years.
  • 1 in 4 couples who completed 26 or more weekly marriage counseling sessions separated or divorced when the counseling sessions ended.
  • More than half of those who seek individual counseling for their marriage end up divorcing.

Why Traditional Marriage Counseling Fails

Jealous Of My Spouse’s Smart Phone

We hear it so often in different ways from spouses of all ages and lengths of marriages.

“My wife loves her phone more than she loves me. I want to grab it away from her and chunk it in the toilet.”

“I wish my husband spent half the time with me that he spends on his smart phone. I’m as lonely as I was before I ever met him.”

“Why am I not good enough to put the phone down? Why does everything have to be more important than me all the time?”

Relational Bankruptcy In The Digital Age

Growing Your Marriage Through The Six Family Seasons

Growing up in Texas, we were taught in school that there are four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Except for a decade living in the Texas Panhandle, we have lived in parts of Texas that only experienced Spring, Summer, Summer, and Fall.

The things about seasons is that they come whether we are ready for them or not.   We do not have any control about when they start or end or whether they are stormy or pleasant. Our job is to be prepared for them and adjust to them. The longer we live, we see them repeat enough that we learn how to do each of them better.

Families Have Seasons Too

Researchers have discovered through studies of countless families that families have seasons too. Like the annual season of life, there are huge similarities among families in the progression and changes of family seasons. We also have a great amount of choice in how we prepare for and adjust to each season.

But unlike the annual seasons of life, we have many choices in our family season development. Our choices influence when, where and with whom we begin our family seasons. Our choices influence how we get through the different family seasons and whether we experience seasons full of story drama, or pleasant peace and joy.

He (Jesus) answered, “Haven’t you read in your Bible that the Creator originally made man and woman for each other, male and female? And because of this, a man leaves father and mother and is firmly bonded to his wife, becoming one flesh—no longer two bodies but one. Because God created this organic union of the two sexes, no one should desecrate his art by cutting them apart.” Matthew 91:5-6

The Seasons of Family