What true love looks like!

Love is patient; love is kind. Love isn’t envious, doesn’t boast, brag, or strut about. There’s no arrogance in love;  it’s never rude, crude, or indecent—it’s not self-absorbed. Love isn’t easily upset. Love doesn’t tally wrongs  or celebrate injustice; but truth—yes, truth—is love’s delight!  Love puts up with anything and everything that comes along; it trusts, hopes, and endures no matter what. Love will never become obsolete. 

I Corinthians 13:4-8 (VOICE)

The Five Scariest Spouses In Marriages Today

It’s that time of year again when our doorbell rings and children of all ages hold out a bag asking for “trick or treats”. Television sets are filled with “spooky” movies and “haunted” houses. Stores are packed with cases and cases of candy.

Over the years working with thousands of couples in our Life Together Forever Retreats and our Marriage Intensives, we have witness some of the most challenging spouses. So here is out list of the scariest spouses in marriages today.

The Five Scariest Spouses

How to Bless and Be the Blessing Your Marriage Needs

(This is part 2 of a 2 part series on blessing. See Part 1 here)

In Part 1 of this series, we defined blessing as a posture, or approach, toward another of good will. We challenged you to stop cursing your spouse with your body language, sighs, words, tone, and actions. And to stop cursing your spouse by withholding blessing from them.

Instead, bless—that’s your job, to bless. You’ll be a blessing and also get a blessing. I Peter 3:9 (Message)

The Great Blessing

When God told Moses how each new priest was to be blessed (Numbers 6:24-26), He spoke a blessing that has been repeated throughout centuries. You probably remember the words:

The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

The Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you peace.

John Ortberg tells a story about a conversation he had with Dallas Willard, the spiritual giant to so many pastors and ministry leaders. Dallas shares that this ancient blessing is the perfect model for blessing others. We think it is the perfect model for blessing your spouse.

How To Bless Your Spouse

Dreaming a New Future Together

Early in our marriage we used to dream about what life would be like when we were our age now. Our dream included writing and speaking. When we were not traveling, our dream included living on a huge ranch with a number of homes with relatives in them. And a small train and train track where grandchildren and elderly parents could easily visit with each other.

Dreaming about what your future will be like with your spouse has incredible power to help keep love alive, strengthen intimacy and deepen commitment. Knowing that you are in your spouse’s dream of their future is just as powerful.   Knowing that you have someone in your life that loves you, wants you to achieve your dreams and helps you reach for your dreams is a great gift in life.

The Rubber Band and Busted Dreams

5 Signs Your Marriage Needs More Blessing

(This is part 1 of a 2 part series on blessing. See Part 2 here)

Diane and William were in a tough spot. Only six years into their marriage, and neither could see a reason for continuing to stay married together. Diane reached out to the Pastor who married them and he recommended that they come to a Marriage Intensive with us as soon as possible.

They were in a long pattern of negative interaction. Hearing them describe their situation was like watching a ping pong ball bounce back in forth in the middle of a world championship ping pong match. The zingers were swift and unable to be predicted. Before one could complete their attack, the other would start with a rebound attack.   Finally Roy said, “Enough! My house, my rules.”

Diane and William were in a “blessing famine.” They had a long history of absence of blessing. Except for a few hours, the only time in their six years of marriage where they blessed each other was during the wedding ceremony. Their souls were starving to be blessed.

Signs Your Marriage Is Starving From A Blessing Famine

Jesus, Why Have You Left Me In This Hopeless Marriage?

Marriage is hard.

Relationships are difficult.

Even Christian marriages are challenging.

Struggles are a part of the marathon that is life together forever.

If you call Jesus your Savior, then you may find yourself blaming Him. “Why have you left me in this hopeless marriage?” Feeling abandoned, alone and unheard of is common for all people when they are in pain. Jesus was familiar with pain, yes even the kind of pain you are experiencing now.

Jesus is with you in this season of your marriage. 

7 Benefits of Humor In Your Marriage

Laughter is essential in marriage. Unfortunately, spouses sometimes hurt each other in their efforts to be funny. Other couples have grown so focused on household management, chores, transportation, parenting, in-laws, finances, etc. that laughter has disappeared from their marriage.

Remember when you were carefree and new in your relationship? We remember times as a couple where neither of us could stop laughing. One time during a church service, we both got the giggles at the same time and had to exit the sanctuary (sorry about that, Preacher). Laughter is usually one of the reasons couples fall in love in the first place!

‘A joy-filled heart is curative balm, but a broken spirit hurts all the way to the bone.’ Proverbs 17:22 (VOICE)

Seven reasons why your marriage needs more humor.

Why Your Spouse Gets So Upset Over The Smallest Things

“Almost every day, my wife gets mad at me when I leave for work,” John explained.

“He leaves the mirror spotted when he cleans his toothbrush after brushing his teeth.” His wife, Silvia went on, “I’ve told him a thousand times how mad I get when he does that.”

John and Sylvia were in our offices for a Marriage Intensive. They had fallen out of love because they stopped doing the things to keep love alive, like dating and being kind to one another. They were in a negative pattern of interacting that was causing a great amount of pain in each of their hearts.

It’s Just a Little Toothbrush Splatter, Isn’t It?

Top 10 Reasons This Political Season May Be Bad For Your Marriage

We do not vote for President until November 8, 2016, but there is no doubt the political season is upon us. Every newscast, social media feed and magazine has a reference to an issue or a politician. Political ads are filling our video views and television programs. No doubt, it is on!

For some, it is a spectator sport. We watch it as if watching our favorite sport contests. Others enjoy the voyeurism of it all. We watch to see the implosions and scandals of candidates. Some of us do not care one bit and we can hardly wait until it is all over and we are able to experience life politics free again.

Then there is the political junkie. We listen to talk radio all day and binge watch debates and speeches from our political candidate and foes. We buy the merchandise, go to meetings, give and raise money, and champion the cause of our candidate. This guy is consumed with politics for the next 13 months.

‘Listen, don’t get trapped in brainless debates; avoid competition over family trees or pedigrees; stay away from fights and disagreements over the law. They are a waste of your time.’ Titus 3:9 (VOICE)

How This Political Season Can Hurt Your Marriage