Wishing You A Happy Life Together Forever Valentine’s Day!

Love is patient; love is kind.

Love isn’t envious, doesn’t boast, brag, or strut about.

There’s no arrogance in love;

it’s never rude, crude, or indecent

—it’s not self-absorbed.

Love isn’t easily upset.

Love doesn’t tally wrongs

or celebrate injustice;

but truth—yes, truth—is love’s delight!

Love puts up with anything and everything that comes along;

it trusts, hopes, and endures no matter what.

Love will never become obsolete.

But now faith, hope, and love remain;

these three virtues must characterize our lives.

The greatest of these is love.

I Cor 13 4-8a, 13.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.

Handle Your Spouse’s Criticism Well

No one likes to be told when they are not doing it right. They do not like it when someone points out what they just did wrong. It punches their buttons when anyone tells them that they are wrong about something.

And when you hear it from my spouse it seems even more powerfully button pushing.

“I thought you said you were going to pay that bill?”

“When are you going to get that fixed like you said you would?”

“Are you really going to wear that?”

You can be in charge of what you feel and do when your spouse criticizes you.

Stop Talking Bad About Your Spouse to Other People

Cindy had set up a coaching call based upon the referral from her Pastor. She arrived to the session with a friend whom she insisted join us in session. Cindy had brought her friend to verify what she was telling us about how horrible of a husband she has. “My pastor, all of my friends, including a counselor friend of mine, agrees with me that he is the problem in our marriage.”

When you feel relationship stress, talk to your spouse instead of about them to others.

Fifty Shades of … Your Spouse

Every once in a while a book and movie catches our culture’s attention in such a way that social and traditional media bombards us with it. Such is the situation with the book and now movie release of the popular “Fifty Shades of Grey”.

When you make your spouse the only object of your affection, your sex life becomes hotter and marriage happier!

Accept Your Spouse’s Differences To Create Life Together Forever

It is amazing to consider how it is that God made us to be so attracted to people who are different from us.  In fact, most of our early attraction includes a decision to find people who are not like the parts of ourselves we least like.  Back in the beginning of your relationship, the ways in which your spouse was different from you were interesting.  You were curious and somewhat excited to discover why they are like that and to see how they are in other areas.   You liked what was different than you in your future spouse.

Any two people living under the same roof will disagree!

Date Your Spouse to Create a Life Together Forever

“I can’t remember the last time we went out on a date.”

“We can’t afford to go out. $40 for a sitter and $150 for the night, it is not worth it.”

“With the way she has been treating me, why would I want to waste my time and effort to set up a date?”

These are the very statements made by many of the couples who have found their way to our Marriage Saving Intensive. They have “lost that loving feeling” and believe that they will never get it back with their spouse again.

Love Your Spouse In a Way They Will Receive it To Change Your Relationship For Good in 2015

During the first month of our marriage in 1988, Devra wanted to show how much she loved Roy. She prepared a wonderful bubble bath, with candles, a cold drink and dimmed lighting. When she showed it to Roy, he thought that she was going to jump in with him. But instead she left the room and did not return.

Discover how to love your spouse in a way they will be able to receive it!

Make the First Move To Change Your Relationship For Good in 2015

All couples fight! There are no perfect couples. All couples disagree and argue. Some handle their disagreements with becoming loud, big and scary. Others move away from each other by withdrawing into silence, leaving the room… or the house.

If you and your spouse argue, you are in a normal relationship. All couples fight!

Pray For Your Spouse To Change Your Relationship for Good in 2015

Donna complained that her “so called” Christian husband was a “hypocrite”. Her heart was hard and critical because she did not experience him as the spiritual leader in the home that she had always expected. When asked about how her frustration was impacting her and how she interacted with him, she shared that she does not want to be around him, she has long periods where she does not like him, and she has little interest in being physically intimate with him.

God changes you, your marriage, and your relationship with Him when you pray for your spouse!

Saturday, March 21st, 9AM to 3PM

Lunch and Child Care Provided

Earlybird Registration Ends March 15th:  $70 per couple

Registration after March 15th: $90 per couple

Life Together Forever Crossbridge Christian Fellowship

Life Together Forever Crossbridge Christian Fellowship

Roy and Devra Wooten are veteran marriage champions, whose lives attest to the transforming power of Truth. Through their years of working with countless couples in over one hundred thirty five couples weekends, they have molded their message into an engaging and mixed format of teaching and experiential activities to quickly equip and empower couples toward greater spiritual and relational intimacy.

Couples will learn, experience and practice the application of sound research as Roy and Devra share their real and humorous relationship stories. With other couples, enjoy discovering the way forward in common challenges of relationships with exciting sessions including:

Doing Life Together Forever
Creating a Lifelong Marriage
Speaking and Hearing Truth
Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Stress-Less Living
Healthy Expectations
Courageous Conversations
Sex, Love and Romance
What People Are Saying:

“I was surprised about how funny Roy and Devra are together. Their ministry blessed our couples Date Night event. Many couples who I have been counseling told me afterward how blessed they were by it… We need to have… this every year.” – Senior Pastor

“I highly recommend Roy and Devra for your next couples retreat. Together they gave our couples more than we had hoped for. Roy and Devra Rock!” – Family Minister

“I think the thing that helped the most was how the two of you were so honest about your own relationship. Between your hilarious stories, you shared meaningful and helpful things that reminded me about what I could do better in my marriage of 33 years. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.” – Minister

“Thank you for giving us hope. We came here in separate cars because this has been a very hard week for us. I didn’t want to come but I came anyway. When we had to sit face to face and talk during the exercises, I began to see some change. I know we have work ahead but I feel hope for the first time in seven years.” – Wife of 12 years

Date: February 21, 2015
Time: 08:30 AM - 3:00PM
Event: Life Together Forever Workshop
Topic: Couples Workshop
Sponsor: Cross Bridge Christian Church
Venue: Cross Bridge Christian Church
Location: 15415 West Rd.
Houston, TX 77095
Public: Public
Registration: Click here to register.
More Info: Click here for more information.